Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Post Dinner Activities

As always with our group, we like to find good local music to unwind to after our meetings. Someone always finds a good Jazz venue to dance the night away at. These guys were wonderful! Nice too, because they were having a benefit jazz jam session to help one of their jazz friends who was going through some medical difficulties. So see, our presence, helps those in need. I've been teaching everyone how to move their hips. For some reason, they are totally fixated on my hips every time we go dancing. I like the music and the exercise after a good meal.

Post Meeting Functions

Stacey and Me at the Meeting.

Football fans meeting in the hotel bar for a little spectator actions. and a few drinky poohs. How many people can you fit on that couch anyway?

Stacey, Chris, Doreen, Dale and Angie at dinner. Sharing a few more items than was included on the menu. Hmmmmm
We had dinner at this place called "The Florist". Wonderful food, fresh salads, sandwitchs and stuff like that. Absolute Yummy!

My First National Board Meeting

Well, I made it in time for the 1st National BOD Meeting.
Felt very presidential.hahahah

I like the intricate and sophisticated voting system of "thumbs up and thumbs down."

The Presidents' from all over the nation listen intently as issues are brought up to the National Board for review and voting.

All I could think of was "what the heck are they talking about? Are we suppose to say anything?" So I'm a greenhorn when it comes to this stuff. But I learned a lot. :)

Arriving in Phoenix

What an incredible trip that was. I was suppose to leave Hawaii at 3:15 PM. I dozed off before the plane took off, only to awaken to it still sitting on the runway. Upon stirring I found out that we had already waited 1 hour for 30 pax that were trying to catch our flight, that the guy who pushed our plane out messed up by turning too fast and damaged the wheel posts which put us now another hour behind, and it would take them pushing us back to the terminal, off loading us, repairing the plane, reloading us and then off we went 4 hours later. We arrived in Phoenix at about 4 AM. I not only called the transport company from HI, to tell them that I was going to be late, but I also called the 2 times when I arrived. There were 30 other people and their bags trying to get on the very few Super Shuttles that were still operating at that ungodly hour of 4 AM in Phoenix. It was like parania on the rampage. I figure, I'm this late, why get bent all out of shape. So I tried to be curteous and leave them to their feeding frenzie, only to be left behind all alone with no transport. Finally, with the help of a very nice transport guy, I got my own SuperShuttle and got to my Hotel at about 4:30 AM.

The moon was incredible so took my camera and proceeded to wander the streets of Phoenix at 5 AM to find the amazing moon that I saw when I arrived. So this is the picture of that moon. I checked out the city a bit, walking the very deserted streets, it was beautiful out though. Unpacked my stuff, then headed to the gym to work out for 2 hours, before heading going to the dining room to have my breakfast. A good shower and then I was off to bed by about 8:30 AM. Thank God that Louis called me at 1:30 otherwise, I would have missed my 2:00 PM meeting at the convention center.

I had the most incredible Southwestern Eggs Benedict for breakfast though, wow! spicy, but so good. I slept like a baby. Wow, don't think I have slept that well in a long time. Love the bed! My room is beautiful and I have it all to myself until Wednesday! Anyone wanna come for a visit? ha hahaha.

Have a great day! Roxy