Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More Board Meetings

Today was a full day of National BOD Meetings, discussion about budgets and financials. Very interesting reportings on projections. yah-dah, yah-dah, yah-dah.

Okay, now on to more interesting things. :)

We all went to Kinkaide's for dinner, then to a Karaoke Place for more drinks, singing and dancing. Very fun, lots of cool people, some with lots of talent, others, well, with less than desired talent. Just kidding. No matter if you could sing or not sing, it was a great time had by all.

Today, we meet with all the State President's for Information and Leadership Training. I'm starting to get the feeling like they are trying to train me to become a president. Very scary. I need time to build up tollerance. ha ha ha.

No pictures today..sorry, somethings just aren't meant to be shared!
Have a great day!