Friday, December 2, 2011

Our Last Full Day in Santa Teresa, CR

We had a great breakfast, Ahi Omelet with left over paella rice. Lunch was left over Pizza from our favorite pizza place here in town with more Fresh made Cervice. OMG, it gets better and better! Then for dinner, we had Cervice, and also Mahimahi in Fresh coconut milk, bacon, onions, garlic and fresh basil. It was the BOMB!

Our last surf session before we leave CR

We had a great surf session this morning, we were out for almost 3 hours, did some little shopping for last minute preps for food and then went back to the beach to build our own Costa Rican bon fire. Though we had a little difficulty starting it since our lighter decided to run out of fluid, right when we were ready to start building it. Lucky for me, I'm a girl and after one attempt by Keith to ask these guys who were building a bon fire down the beach, for a donation fire log which was already going.  I went down to ask them for a light, they gave me this pretty hefty log to take back, which also didn't work. They must have really felt sorry for us, cuz one of them brought his lighter down to our fire pit and helped us get it started. I love the people here! So now, we make fire! Our tower worked fine, once we got it up and running.
We make fire

Kea and her magic fire wand! LOL

Surf is still kickin out here!

Blow Keith, Blow, it will start...NOT! LOL

Thank God for those guys who were down the beach building their fire.

So some things you need to know if you're coming here! If you're gonna rent a car. they run this scam where they MAKE you take insurance, by telling you either you take the expensive one, and they hold over $1k until you come back or if you don't take any they hold $2k till you come back. They ended up not only holding $13k on my card, but also charging my card for the $500+ to rent the car, pay for the 1 tank of gas and all the addl charges for the insurance that I wasn't going to take. However, I would strongly suggest taking insurance because the roads here are rarely paved. See what happen to this car...NOT good!

See how bad driving can get here in Santa Teresa? LOL

Lets see, life here is SUPER laid back, you'll find people packing their babies up front of their bicycles, ATVs and whatever else they can pack them on. Sometimes there are full families on the ATVs. Bring a bandana and goggles if you're gonna drive around on anything other than a nice a/c vehicle, during this time of year, it is dusty. Poor people walking on the streets. They look like Pigpen, in a dust cloud. LOL its almost hilarious. Dogs rule here, they run everywhere, very rare to see one on a leash. I've yet to see one hit by anything on the road though. People are super low key when driving, no one beeps their horns, or swears at each other. We just drive around people, dogs, other cars. Its pretty cool. You can build a HUGE bon fire anywhere on the beach, no rules, no hassle. People are pretty helpful here. Most speak English, thank God.

Surfing is the life here, there are tons of places to stay. Range from super cheap to WOW that's amazing. We stayed at some amazing places here. My next stop is suppose to be incredible. But you'll all have to wait until I get some internet back in San Jose, CR.

Keith and I are getting better on the waves here, getting hammered lots less. We even made it out to first break today without getting killed. Getting in, well, that was another story, but we survived and had a great time. I was built for 4 wheeling, you should see me drive around here, like an old pro.

Check out this sunset! Wow!

Okay, got some footage to share with all of you before we take off. Its been a blast. Love you and miss you guys! Can't wait to see everyone. Just one more week for me and I'll be back home. Someone needs to rub my butt when I get home. LOL jk

Aloha, Roxanne "Kea" and Keith