Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sad to Say Goodbye!

Thank you so much to the Arizona Chapter for being such wonderful hosts! We'll really miss all of my friends and partners in crime. I have learned so much from all of you and am so excited to get back to Hawaii so that we can start implementing some of your great ideas. Next time, I'll bring the NEW Hawaii PINS.

Aloha and Mahalo, Roxanne

As for me, its about 2:20 AM, my shuttle for my transport to the airport comes at 4:50, so I have some time to kill. I'll finish packing and then maybe get in one last workout. Trying to stay up until they have to come and pick me up. See you in Seattle!

The Banquet!

What a great shot.

Fran Waslaski's and My feet.

So much partying and so little time to do it in.

Judith DeLaney and Me

The wild and crazy, party girls.
John & Dave
Stacey and Steve

Me, Patricia & Stacey
Let's see who is in these pics? Chris, Angie, Judy, Me, Carol Ann, Tony, Stacey, Hovey, Is that Shane? and Ivan, I think.

Me, Leslie and Stacey

Chris and Angie from Illinois

Our President Elect, Judy and our Georgia Chapter President, ah, crap, sorry brain farted.

Billy Weaver, Dierdre Kitchen and their friends. Go Hawaii!