Monday, November 28, 2011

Another day in Costa Rican Paradise

our morning views, not bad eh!

Time to Surf! just down the LONG street from our Villa!

Riding a 7'4" today, not bad, but I suck at short boarding. Trying to work my way to a 6'8" at least.

Surf mate from Holland, been living here 7 years.

Now that's a happy fella!

Still gotta keep some sort of work out going on.

Gotta be thankful for all we have, so many in this world have nothing compared to us.

Ants make their way to this poor, defenseless coconut tree

Now that's a nice house, probably cost under $500k

Dogs totally rule here! Finally saw a few cats out town today. I think the dogs run them out.

Wow, that was pretty huge bun, meat actually fit and wasn't even ground beef.

This is my Casados, a local treat, nice to have some veggies.


This will be my surf spot tomorrow morning. We surfed Hermosa, and Santa Teresa, tomorrow is Mal Pais.