Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fishing, Cooking and Surfing

Well, we went fishing this morning caught some nice fish, I caught a Mahi Mahi and a Jack Fish, Keith caught a Jack Fish and a Tuna. From that we gave our captain a fish and 1/2 of the Mahi Mahi for his family. Saved some Jack fish for the guy who helped us on our first day in town, who led us to Santa Teresa after I got stuck down this long 4X4 Hill that I had no intention of backing up. So crossed the river instead. Made a feast of Sashimi for Keith and I, for lunch and tomorrow's lunch too. A large bowl of Cervice with the Mahi Mahi for 20 people and a bit left over for us to eat tomorrow. 6 fillets with the remainders of the Mahi Mahi for our next 2 nights dinner. Made Jack fish with Coconut Milk, Fresh Basil leaves, Onions and garlic, which turned out great also for the 20 people we met tonight. Will make Paella tomorrow with the Mahi Mahi, shrimp and chicken with Saffron rice. I've never made any of this before, no recipe, who knew I could cook Costa Rican cuisine? LOL Everyone loved the food. So stoked.

After a brief afternoon siesta, since no internet, went through my pics to post, then we went back out in the ocean to surf, the surf was BIG!!!!! Double over head sometimes. The wash here is so destructive, butt kickin to say the least. Big water, big waves, and me on a wide nose board, short, but fat and stubby. NOT a good day for that kind of board. So tomorrow, smaller board, more rocker and less butt kickin for me and Keith. He'll try to epoxy 7'4" that I rode the other day, he'll like that one much better.

Time to go to sleep, hope you enjoyed the post.
That's an awfully small boat!

Our Capt. Toto

That's all there is to the fish boat docks.

Flying in the wind!

Keith's first fish strike, its a baby tuna! yummy, sashimi time.

That's a happy guy!

Me after my Mahi Mahi Catch, you'll see it in a bit. 10 Min fight, I'm exhausted.

My second fish, Jack Fish, good size.

I think Keith's Jack Fish might be a little bit bigger though.

We caught 4 total, not bad for 3 hours of water time.

You wouldn't believe how he got this boat in, Talk about threading the needle.

This is how they get the boat back to the boat house. Hoist and rolling logs under the boat

Keith's Catch

My catch, too big to hold the two. LOL

Me and my Mahi Mahi

Happy campers, everyone eats tonight! Pura Vida!

Pura Vida!