Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tribute to Peter Wind

We lost a good man this week, Peter Wind, Co-Owner of the Hawaiian Island School of Massage in Captain Cook, Hawaii. Olivia and I flew out to meet Greg in Kona for his memorial service and it was one that really made you stop and think about the quality of your life on this earth.

I will share some wonderful shots of Peter in this blog. What people had to share about this incredible man makes me strive to be a better person and in the end, that's all that we can aspire to be in this lifetime, better people so that when we leave this place, we are a legacy to the true meaning of living and our purpose is to inspire others to do the same. I cannot express, what a wonderful feeling it was to be around people who truly appreciated the essence of this incredible human being. We should all aspire to hear those words about us when our time comes to pass.

I have to also mention that his Wife, Lynn, did an amazing job at sharing her life with her husband with us, even in her time of mourning. It was truly beautiful to hear how much love she and Peter shared. I'm most certainly envious of their 30 years together and it gives me hope in knowing that true love, though not without difficulties, sacrifices and challenges, does exist and as long as your love for the other person is mutually undying. Life can be amazing when you find someone who loves you as much as they loved each other.

So to Lynn, my love, respect and admiration goes out to you for your courage and your amazing reverence for your soul mate, thank you for giving the rest of us hope. You are an inspiration and a true leader in the field of life and love, just by how you and Peter lived. So thank you so much for loving all of us.

We'll miss Peter tremendously. Although I did not know him as long as most of those people at yesterday's service, I can honestly say that I am all the better for knowing him for the amount of time that I did and am so grateful to have had the opportunity to share some wonderful time with him. I will miss him greatly.


Just spending some great time with great people!

The Southern California Hamada's visiting us in HI
Darren, Lauren, Uncle Bob, Laurie, Auntie Elaine, Me and Auntie Catherine.

Dick Brewer's - Kahala Aloha Shirt Design Kick-Off at Kahala, in Ala Moana
Me and the man, Dick Brewer, super surfboard designer & surfer dude!

Rick, the Ultimate Surfer Dude and Me @ the Brewer Release Party

Tiana and Timmy, My babies!

Annette, Me and Daddy