Friday, October 10, 2008

Kona Iron Man Triathalon

Okay, so here we are in Kona, trying to drum up business at Greg's incredible estate. Its just up the street from all the festivities, but people are getting lost a bit, but once they get here, its like they are in heaven.

We're downtown passing out flyers, walking around, but the energy level here is just drab, so different from China where there was so much excitement.

Greg is freaking out because the market is kicking his butt and he's losing some major money. The interesting thing about this whole dynamic is that I'm here thinking how lucky I am that I'm "Poa", and he's saying he's poor, with a 1.5 Mil house. I am very thankful for not really having anything, because I would probably be living the high life too and stressing out about everything the world is going through. Since I don't watch TV and don't really read the paper, I just go along my merry way and stay clueless. Cause really, at this point, there is nothing that anyone can do but hold onto our pants and wait out the very long storm that it hitting us.

I really have to put my faith in GOD to carry me through. I don't think that he's brought me through this far only to have me fall on my face, so my faith in him is really carrying me a long way.

I'll try to post some pictures if I can get them loaded on his computer, I forgot the cable for the camera.

Saturday is going to be long day. Race day!

On a lighter note, Greg has these two great dogs, who run the estate. Georgie and ?, oh crap I'm going brain dead, cannot think of the other dog's name right now. He looks like a buster, but that's not his name. Anyway, they are adorable and really do run the household. ha ha ha.

Greg's house is fabulous and gorgeous. We use a kitchen that is outside, fully furnished and sit on the outside patio every morning to have breakfast with the pooches. Then we go for a 5-6 mile walk/hike around the massive, hilly neighborhood where he lives in. I'm getting shin splints. argh. I need a massage!

Olivia and I have our own bedroom suites with our own bathroom and our own wing. ITs like a nice resort only that we have it all to ourselves. We have a 2 room studio complete with bathroom and reception area. Waiting area is outside on the patio right outside of the outdoor kitchen. Love this house. We have room for 4 massage tables in the massage studio area downstairs from where we are living.

So all is good here, Donna is majorly helping me out at home. She is so good to me. THANKS DONNA!

Hope you are all doing well and aren't stressing out too much about the market.

Will write later, Rox