Saturday, September 27, 2008

Go Sharks! Sharks v. Ducks!

Go Sharks!

Between Period Entertainment.

Sharks loose in the area, and these fly!


Life is Sweet at the Shark's Suite

The kids enjoying the game

Inside the suite, stocking the bar

Dale, he works for Cheryl at the Legal Service Solution.

Jeff, the new guy in the office. He's a good, salesman!

Tiana strutting her stuff!

Tiana doing her volleyball thing.

Tiana, Volleyball studette

Tiana doing her volleyball thing.

Lunch with the Aunties at Mr. Fongs, Foster City, CA

Reconnecting with Auntie Carole & Auntie Vivian, Lunch at Mr. Fongs!

Cheryl & Noa

Brother, Bryan

Me and The Timmer!

The Youngs and a little younger.

Auntie Carole, Cheryl & Noa