Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Myoskeletal Class - Remember, this is a business trip!

Check out the view. Great panoramic shot from my H20 camera!

Our classmates, in our classroom.

Deb getting a treat, model on the table with Erik

Quick rest in the Hot tub before class! Ahhhh!

Pura Vida Spa

I have to say that this is the most beautiful place, and the most beautiful people.
We do Yoga every morning, we have wonderful food, the staff is spectacular, the views are breath-taking, the rooms are simple but comfortable. The beds are noisy, so everyone just relaxes here. We must not move much because I don't hear it all night until I have to get up and Pee! By the way, the shower is outside in a different room from the bathroom, both are which are right outside our door, but not in our room. Took Keith a little getting used to.

We had a major party the first night with these dancing giants which was hysterical! We had Salsa Dancing lessons last night and again tomorrow night. Hot tub get togethers to discuss our practices and our techniques and stuff. All business of course. We love it here. Oh, did I mention that they have great "all kinds of" massage treatments here and therapist that we're fully taking advantage of, because we need love too! :) Pura Vida!

meeting the on site therapist and learning about their specialties

a deluxe room...NOT ours! :(

A tentalo...also NOT ours :)

Cross Fit work out structure, our room is right next door on the other side of the building

Our walk down the street to find some Cervesas!

Our room...Home sweet Home..Yes, thats all there is to that! LOL

Streets are a little tight and crazy here!

Our friend Eric's room...the pagoda suite...don't even ask how big this place is! ridiculous!
Paul, Me, Erik Dalton, and Keith
Do you see these things? how can you not laugh!
Isn't this place breathtaking? WoW!
Our morning Yoga Classes, check out that view!
Learning how to Salsa!
The food is to DIE for! Really, healthy and tasty!
Great Salads very day! Yummy and healthy.

Dancing Giant's Hilarious!

Zip Lining in Costa Rica

All Loaded up and ready to go! LISTA!

Living behind bars, not sure that I could do that.

Check out this street

Gear me up baby, I'm ready to go! LISTA!

Now this was the most hysterical thing that I saw that day!

All dressed up and zip lining to go!

These guys got splatted with Oil from the brake! Was hilarious!

This was the most amazing tree. Twisted ficus!

Our day started out with some interesting driving to get to our zip lining destination. Funny about the houses here in this area, everyone lives like caged animals....all the houses/driveways/yards are in a cage. I don't think I could like like that. major claustrophobia. However, the area that we were zip lining in belonged to a family who has owned it for 5 generations here in Costa Rica. over 500 acres, the also own a saw mill and do selective tree cutting, they have a farm that sits right up against the cloud forest. Which differs from a rain forest because its primary purpose is to preserve the moisture that helps the forest regrow. Awesome stuff they got going on here. We had a blast! Check out some of the video footage, hopefully I'll be able to load them.