Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Zip Lining in Costa Rica

All Loaded up and ready to go! LISTA!

Living behind bars, not sure that I could do that.

Check out this street

Gear me up baby, I'm ready to go! LISTA!

Now this was the most hysterical thing that I saw that day!

All dressed up and zip lining to go!

These guys got splatted with Oil from the brake! Was hilarious!

This was the most amazing tree. Twisted ficus!

Our day started out with some interesting driving to get to our zip lining destination. Funny about the houses here in this area, everyone lives like caged animals....all the houses/driveways/yards are in a cage. I don't think I could like like that. major claustrophobia. However, the area that we were zip lining in belonged to a family who has owned it for 5 generations here in Costa Rica. over 500 acres, the also own a saw mill and do selective tree cutting, they have a farm that sits right up against the cloud forest. Which differs from a rain forest because its primary purpose is to preserve the moisture that helps the forest regrow. Awesome stuff they got going on here. We had a blast! Check out some of the video footage, hopefully I'll be able to load them.

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