Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Costa Rica - Pura Vida

check out these websites! you could be here too!
Pura Vida!

Our dining hall is always open to us for coffee, tea, water and a place to use our computeres!

Jose, he is the man, we shared Poi Roll with Poi pudding filling and a Haupia madasada from Kam Bakery!

Keith getting some breakfast!
Our trip was a long one. 10 hour layover in Dallas, from Hawaii, kept ourselves busy driving in circles in all the detours that they have there. Boarded our plane, only to miss the landing twice due to weather, diverted to Liberia to refuel, needless to say, we couldn't exit the plane. Left at 6:30 PM on Thursday, 11/17 arrived 11 PM on Friday, 11/18. We were tired. Found our driver, holding a sign for us, a hellish drive up Ajajuela to Pura Vida Spa Resort. We arrived to a great staff, completely friendly and so accommodating, so much that they had dinner for us, waiting to heat up since we were 3 hours late in our arrival time. We brought them some of our Poi Madasada's and Haupia Madasada's  Delicioso!

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