Sunday, December 11, 2011

Paddle Out to Watch the Lunar Eclipse

Do you see it?

Tami and Germaine

Me and Keith Preparing to go out.

Tami and Chiharu

Amazing how many of us were going out. Hope there's waves!

The Gang

Germaine, she crazy, it was freezing... But then again, she went in to a nice warm bed! LOL

So nice to be back on my Long Board

The water was so beautiful! Cold, but beautiful and clear

Me and Keith, oh, how cute! LOL



Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Back to crazy civilization..these people are crazy!

Well, made it back to first time in a mall i Costa Rica, I really didn't miss a thing. I wonder sometimes which are the animals and which are the civilized species?

I didn't get picture of the crazy traffic, but I have to say, I'm happy to be getting out of this particular location!

See you all soon.

Signing off from Costa Rica's super Nature way!


Asta Luego Costa Rica

OMG, this plane is even smaller than the last 2!

Good thing I took the valium! Yikes! I could have ridden in the cockpit with the pilot!

Planting a Tree in Honor of Baachan!

So a couple of things I wanted to take care of before I left was:

1) Plant a tree in the rain forest, which I found the perfect one for the perfect person. I found a purple, hard wood tree that I planted in honor of my Grandmother who will be turning 100 years old next year October. This way she can live forever, well at least through my little tree.

Less heated sunrise, obviously, doesn't want me to go!

Picking out the perfect tree for Grandma (Baachan)

Me and Melvin, ready to plant my tree

This tree is for you Baachan,

2) I wanted to donate some clothes to the local womens group, so I took all my stuff that I didn't need and donated it to them before I left town.

3) Donate to the local community school programs, which I also did.

4) Swim in the ocean by moonlight and swim in the morning while the Pelicans and herrings fly over and fish around me. That was amazing. The guys were fishing too, caught some big stuff.....

Spider Monkey


Saying Good bye to my friends, is so sad!

Bidding Lapa Rios farewll

Some of the front desk staff

Some of the wait staff, Roger and Jeffrey

Management/office staff

Me and Jose Paulo my surf buddy

Teresa and Jose, Teresa leaves for Santa Theresa tomorrow
It has been a wonderful stay here at Lapa Rios, and I am determined to return someday. Though there are so many other places that I would like to visit, I will leave part of my heart here amongst the animals and the people here on the Oso Peninsula. It was an interesting sunrise this morning, kind of a solemn moment, usually the sun arises bright and strong, this morning, it is hiding in the dark clouds, almost sad that I'm leaving, just enough to wake me up, but not enough to want to stir me too quickly. Keeping it cool enough for me to just enjoy the hummingbirds and the sounds of the birds in the trees and the howler monkey's in the distance. I was restless last night, did not sleep as heavy as I did in previous nights. My legs are eaten up my who knows what, not even mosquitos, probably sand fleas or something, but they are itchy and driving me crazy.

Grievin, is my lifesaver, my new friend!
actually visited the local bar, mostly transplanted american

Me and Grievin sharing a beer! Salud!

Gosh, its so beautiful out here!
Yesterday was great, Jose took me surfing, with his little 6'4' short-board, which I paddled okay, but man, just could not catch a wave. Yesterday, was definitely a long board day, but couldn't find a decent long board to rent so just rode the 6'4". I did not feel too bad though because Jose, probably only caught 3 waves himself on his 5'8" board. We surfed with a group of about 8 people at Mata Paolo, 3 of which were from Hawaii NS and Maui. They were snagging all the waves on their rented Long-boards. Waves are small again today, I was going to go out, but my airport shuttle leaves at 10 am, so I might just be satisfied with taking a dip in the pool instead, then breakfast.

The afternoon, I spent with Grievin, we went to go get a beer at the only local bar here in this area, never been there before, just talked. The young people here are quite accomplished for their age, very impressive, Grievin has been with Lapa Rios for about 6 years, but owns about 3 Hectors of property, a farm somewhere near Puerto Jimenez. Funny, he was born in 1983, the same year that I graduated High School. Man, I'm getting old. I feel very fortunate that I have had the staff to myself for a first 3 days I was here, because the Hotel is starting to get very busy, now they have to be on their "customer service" game. LOL not that they weren't with me, but you can tell the difference, cuz I'm very relaxed where as many of the visitors who come here are a bit, well, more proper-type, if you know what I mean. Grievin and I went for a moonlight swim, with the Pelicans last night it was 3/4 moon. Lots of fish jumping and some big ones too. No wonder the birds were having a feeding frenzie. Quite a beautiful sight.

It was nice to spend some time with Vanessa and Austin this trip. They are very nice people and we had a great time together. Theresa, from Cornell, will be on her way to Santa Teresa soon, to a new property. Maybe someday, I can come back and do something similar, I told them they should have a massage therapist on staff at all times here on property. Having to phone someone in Puerto Jimenez 48 hours advance (maybe) is too long for people to have to plan ahead in a place like this.  We'll see what happens. LOL I wouldn't mind coming back here to do that for a month.

Some of the staff farewells! Asta Luego mes Amis!

Grievin and Alyssa, she just started at Lapa Rios