Sunday, August 10, 2008

Meeting the other AMTAers

Meetings Start....its business! We got to visit the AMTA National Office and take a tour.
we look like such the "conventioneers"

Later that evening, a bunch of us went with our "local Guide" Ray, and took a wonderful boat tour around the waterways of Lake Michigan and then through the locks and onto the Lake it was FABULOUS! A must do if you're in Chicago! Ray actually used to live there, he's our First V.P. so he knows his way around pretty good. We were so lucky, it was a beautiful day in Chicago.

This huge building is the the Merchandise Mart and its HUGE! Like really HUGE!
Here's some background on it:

The Merchandise Mart was built in 1931 to replace a wholesale store for Marshall Field's and Co. At that point in time, the Merchandise Mart was the biggest building in the world in floor area (4 million square feet!).

This building has its own Zip code, its own Fire Dept, and Police Dept. Amazing.

We also had dinner at Navy Pier and ended up getting in at about 1:00 AM, it was a very long day because they were doing constructions on some portions of the EL so we ended up taking a long bus ride back to the hotel instead of zipping back on the EL. It was nice to climb into the nice beds at the Hilton.

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