Monday, October 13, 2008

A day at the beach

We have our daily routine here, still keeping me moving. We usually get up, have a small breakfast, usually fruit, with some cereal, yogurt and or smoothy. Then we hit the hike for a couple of hours about 7 miles every morning up and down the mountains of Kona. Is quite a trek. I've come to love it, and Greg is amazing, he says he's an old man, but he's in pretty good shape!

Today, we went to the beach, Kua Bay, it was amazing. Wow, its been so long since I've seen water that clear. We could even see the Honu swimming under water. Incredible. We got to check out Paul, the newly visiting Adonis in his man thong...well ladies, he's on the prowl! We're selling him into Highest bidder!

The market is back up and Greg is doing a lot better today.

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