Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fishing, Cooking and Surfing

Well, we went fishing this morning caught some nice fish, I caught a Mahi Mahi and a Jack Fish, Keith caught a Jack Fish and a Tuna. From that we gave our captain a fish and 1/2 of the Mahi Mahi for his family. Saved some Jack fish for the guy who helped us on our first day in town, who led us to Santa Teresa after I got stuck down this long 4X4 Hill that I had no intention of backing up. So crossed the river instead. Made a feast of Sashimi for Keith and I, for lunch and tomorrow's lunch too. A large bowl of Cervice with the Mahi Mahi for 20 people and a bit left over for us to eat tomorrow. 6 fillets with the remainders of the Mahi Mahi for our next 2 nights dinner. Made Jack fish with Coconut Milk, Fresh Basil leaves, Onions and garlic, which turned out great also for the 20 people we met tonight. Will make Paella tomorrow with the Mahi Mahi, shrimp and chicken with Saffron rice. I've never made any of this before, no recipe, who knew I could cook Costa Rican cuisine? LOL Everyone loved the food. So stoked.

After a brief afternoon siesta, since no internet, went through my pics to post, then we went back out in the ocean to surf, the surf was BIG!!!!! Double over head sometimes. The wash here is so destructive, butt kickin to say the least. Big water, big waves, and me on a wide nose board, short, but fat and stubby. NOT a good day for that kind of board. So tomorrow, smaller board, more rocker and less butt kickin for me and Keith. He'll try to epoxy 7'4" that I rode the other day, he'll like that one much better.

Time to go to sleep, hope you enjoyed the post.
That's an awfully small boat!

Our Capt. Toto

That's all there is to the fish boat docks.

Flying in the wind!

Keith's first fish strike, its a baby tuna! yummy, sashimi time.

That's a happy guy!

Me after my Mahi Mahi Catch, you'll see it in a bit. 10 Min fight, I'm exhausted.

My second fish, Jack Fish, good size.

I think Keith's Jack Fish might be a little bit bigger though.

We caught 4 total, not bad for 3 hours of water time.

You wouldn't believe how he got this boat in, Talk about threading the needle.

This is how they get the boat back to the boat house. Hoist and rolling logs under the boat

Keith's Catch

My catch, too big to hold the two. LOL

Me and my Mahi Mahi

Happy campers, everyone eats tonight! Pura Vida!

Pura Vida!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Surfing, Monkeys, and Enjoying the scenery

Its the sky not phenomenal?

Hey look! Its a DT in the pink. The guy owns a long board surf shop right off of this beach.

Priceless little sunburned family walking the beach.

All that black stuff? Bon fires every night on the beaches here. Lots of logs and drift wood everywhere.

Dang it was big out and hairy out there today. Lots of WASH!

Great Moon!

Keith caught this Gecko taking a dump! LOL

I know, the wave isn't impressive, but hey, its still a 7'4" surfboard!

Outside was messing and kicking our butts.

Our neighbors just 10-20 feet from our deck. How cool is that?

Got some surf pics for you, but we didn't want to go out in the massive outer surf area with the camera so you'll get the little inside ones instead. Surf was over head to double over head sets today on the outside. Freaked Keith out when a wave caught him and took him all the way in on his belly. Poor thing shore breaks were killing him paddling out. Me, took me forever to get on an outside wave.

We saw monkeys in our trees right outside our deck. going to u-tube the footage and post some pics too if it'll let me.

Really miss you guys, can't wait to get back to my old surf spot and my surf buddies. I know Ivan and Mike are having a blast in the Philippines, but miss them too.

Asta Manana!

In search of Souvies!

Well, we awaken to some pretty amazing sights and sounds here. Some pretty large sounding monkeys howling in the distance. Its another beautiful day here in Santa Teresa. As far as souvenirs well, not sure how lucky we're gonna get with those around here unless you're into rasta stuff and surfing stuff. Not much selection here. In fact, there wasn't much selection up in the rain forest area either, some small candies, which we didn't get, Doh! And we won't be spending any time back there before we fly out. Maybe today, we'll go on a search for somethings in small towns. I can't even bring you guys back shells as its prohibited to take any from the beaches here. which is why, they still have so much of it. LOL unlike Hawaii.

The days are warm, just getting to the dry "dusty" season. Like I said, ATVs and dirt bikes rule here, but I can't say that I envy them, cuz, we are nice and cool in our mini SUV, Manual, car, which pretty much gets us around town, carries our boards, holds our stuff and keeps us out of the dust wind storms as everyone dashes around town. You can't imagine how bad the roads are here. Just driving through town, you're lucky if you can get up to 20 kph. Its like bouncing a child on your lap. Crazy. The good thing is that no one gets upset or bent out of shape, its so lax here, Tranquilo "relax". Pura Vida is really lived around her, the pure life.

This week is passing by nice and slow, for a change, not rushing around trying to get anywhere. I even wake at 5 am cuz my surf alarm clock goes off, but we usually don't get outta here until about 8, well, sometimes later as its almost 8:30 and we're still on our computers.

Andy, our host, is a cool guy, surfer from CA, spends part of his time here, in Tahoe and Hawaii. If you ever come here, this really is a great place to stay, lots of room, privacy and all different kinds of surf boards at your disposal. I'm starting to get used to Ceramic floors, hmm. Hell not, not going through all that again. LOL enough renovations already. Still waiting on my bathroom door and gotta put stuff away. Sorry gang, it will get done when it gets done. :)

I finally found Jimmy and Brandon's t-shirts! Yeah. I gotta be careful because weight limitations, not mine silly, LOL, but on the baggage in inter-Costarican flights are strict, so we are trying to keep things light.

Pura Vida! Will post more later. Hope you are all having a great day and are well.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Another day in Costa Rican Paradise

our morning views, not bad eh!

Time to Surf! just down the LONG street from our Villa!

Riding a 7'4" today, not bad, but I suck at short boarding. Trying to work my way to a 6'8" at least.

Surf mate from Holland, been living here 7 years.

Now that's a happy fella!

Still gotta keep some sort of work out going on.

Gotta be thankful for all we have, so many in this world have nothing compared to us.

Ants make their way to this poor, defenseless coconut tree

Now that's a nice house, probably cost under $500k

Dogs totally rule here! Finally saw a few cats out town today. I think the dogs run them out.

Wow, that was pretty huge bun, meat actually fit and wasn't even ground beef.

This is my Casados, a local treat, nice to have some veggies.


This will be my surf spot tomorrow morning. We surfed Hermosa, and Santa Teresa, tomorrow is Mal Pais.