Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Surfing, Monkeys, and Enjoying the scenery

Its the sky not phenomenal?

Hey look! Its a DT in the pink. The guy owns a long board surf shop right off of this beach.

Priceless little sunburned family walking the beach.

All that black stuff? Bon fires every night on the beaches here. Lots of logs and drift wood everywhere.

Dang it was big out and hairy out there today. Lots of WASH!

Great Moon!

Keith caught this Gecko taking a dump! LOL

I know, the wave isn't impressive, but hey, its still a 7'4" surfboard!

Outside was messing and kicking our butts.

Our neighbors just 10-20 feet from our deck. How cool is that?

Got some surf pics for you, but we didn't want to go out in the massive outer surf area with the camera so you'll get the little inside ones instead. Surf was over head to double over head sets today on the outside. Freaked Keith out when a wave caught him and took him all the way in on his belly. Poor thing shore breaks were killing him paddling out. Me, took me forever to get on an outside wave.

We saw monkeys in our trees right outside our deck. going to u-tube the footage and post some pics too if it'll let me.

Really miss you guys, can't wait to get back to my old surf spot and my surf buddies. I know Ivan and Mike are having a blast in the Philippines, but miss them too.

Asta Manana!

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