Thursday, December 1, 2011

End of another great day!

Paella with shrimp, Mahimahi and chicken
Well, our time here is coming to a close, one more full day here.

The menu tomorrow is Breakfast, I'm making (with our fish), black ahi omelets, with paella rice leftovers (which had shrimp, mahimahi, and chicken). For lunch Fish Taco's (mahimahi), and for dinner, Mahi Mahi in Coconut Milk with Onions and Fresh Basil and probably the rest of the Paella rice. That should finish us off.
Black Ahi Sashimi

Dinner was awesome, we ate what we could of the Black Ahi sashimi and made a full pot of the paella. So yummy.

Will post pics tomorrow.

Side note, Keith returns to Hawaii on Sat arriving on Sunday, I think. Me, I'm going deep into the rainforest on Saturday, no tv, no inet, no phone. which means no communication until I get to San Jose, CR at the Holiday Inn. If not there then either Florida or Los Angelos. Worse case back home in Hawaii. LOL

We moved to a new room today, still nice, but I miss the privacy of the old room. Plus a family with loud kids drove up at 12 midnight last night so we awoke to screaming kids! So much for peace and quiet.

So if you don't hear from me, I'm deep in the rainforest playing with the wildlife. If I don't come back by the 9th, send out the search party.

The owner has two amazing dogs on property, one pit bull and a pit bull/pointer mix. they are absolutely lovely. Sweetest Pit bull I've ever seen. They have adopted me! LOL
Hamoa is named after somewhere in Maui and Cabuya is named after a small town right outside of Santa Teresa.
Our new living room and Kitchen area on the deck

I love these hanging loungers, they are the bomb

Hamoa, I love how she sleeps! Just like me, feet up on the wall! LOL


Hugs and Kisses, Rox "Kea"

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