Sunday, November 27, 2011

Finally Surfing in Santa Teresa!

Well, it was a wonderfully relaxing day today. We had organic made muffins from the market place, which only runs Friday and Saturdays. Not too much produce, veggies, here, but lots of fruit, so that's the place to go, but you gotta go early. That was what we found walking along the beach last night.

So the choco/coco muffins, ginger coco muffins, and banana coco muffins. So yummy, with a cup of tea, well, coffee for Keith.

We finally got out and did some surfing, everyone short boards over here. Bad for me! So I've decided to work my way down to a shorter board every day of the week. Swell suppose to come in this week, from a different direction, more normal than this one, so they say.  So that should be fun. We started surfing on a 9'2" and a 8'4" and did okay on those, I'm trying an epoxy 7'4" tomorrow. Keith will stick with the 8'4" as he was having a hard time and wants to bond with that one for a while.

Since we have a full kitchen and a horrendous drive up the hill, we decided to purchase some food to make here, so Paella will be on the menu one night. We have chicken and shrimp to add to our rice dish, we'll see if we can get some marlin fishing in tomorrow, maybe we'll come home with fish, that we can eat all week.

Had lunch at a great little bakery today, Arroz con Pollo, was delicious! Keith had a Cheese burger on homemade bread. Tonight we will visit the best Pizza place in town. Suppose to be better than NYC pizza according to Linda.

Going shopping for Brandon's beer shirt and Jimmy McGhee's surf shop shirt tonight. Hope we can find something for each of you.

I could seriously live here. Rafting and Surfing and Massage, how perfect is this place for me? LOL but surf is so much better with people I love! So that is a big, "gotta think about it" kind of thing, and I'd miss my family and clients. So just gonna be a visitor, unless I buy a surf shack here that I can have a business here part time. Hmmm, that might be an idea.

I love this camera and its panoramic capability, so cool. The walk out to the surf was long, but easy, took us to forever to get to the area where we couldn't touch the sand any more.

this is keith at the car, and I scanned the beach area, cool yeah?

This is our little white SUV, and the surf villa you guys gotta check this place out!

You'll get a kick out of this...Since we've been here, I've seen 100's of dogs, none of which are attached to any humans, we finally saw one on a leash today. They love CR, Pura Vida, the pure life!

Too lazy to take the camera in the water, so had to get a dry picture of us and our boards.

this little SUV has some umph to it, trying to post the videos, but they are being stubborn, might have to utube them and post the u-tube site.

Al Merrick board today, this one was 8'4", tomorrow 7'4" Epoxy, we'll see how it goes.

How's that for a classic shot of Keith! this is our driving in this area.

So beautiful here!

This is the signs we have to find in the black of night!

This bakery place was awesome, the food was great and price was good.

OMG, the Orroz con Pollo was Deliciocio!

That Cheeseburger was pretty tasty too. Home made bread!

This is a classic shot of how people transport their boards. Mostly ATVs, some with no lights, some with 5 people on it. BIkes, no lights, babies riding on bikes, no helmet, same for ATVs.  Roads are crazy, potholed and bridges are narrow and barely enough room on them to get a vehicle over it, without falling in the ditches.

TTFN, Gotta go down the hill. Will post pics when we get home.


Great Pizza Place! Really the best!

Healthy Salad! Always before the sin.

Calzones to die for!


Now why didn't I think of that? Board Hangers, we can fit more boards in the house then.

In search of Jimmy's and Brandon's Tees.

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