Sunday, November 27, 2011

To Santa Teresa...via bus/ferry and new friends!

Well, we made it out of Alajuela to the bus station in San Jose, very early, on your 4 am shuttle/cab ride arriving at 5 am. just in time to meet Linda from NYC who is taking a year off of life in the big city to chill and explore new avenues of business and relaxation. 
Rox & Linda from NYC, who is taking a year away from the big City to Chill! She is angel #1 on this journey.

Our bus ride from San Jose to Tambor, where we will pick up our rental car.

The bus station, interesting at 5 am in the morning. Thank God Linda was there to translate for us! Who knows where we might have ended up?

Some of the most amazing views along the way, funny how the weather totally cleared up when we left town!

Okay,now its super hot, like night and day from Alajuela. Where did all the rain go? Our ferry ride to Tambor.

Me and LInda enjoying the ferry ride

Saturday on the ferry, according to LInda, it gets crazy around this time of year, especially on the weekend. Lots of people, lots of beer! and its only 9 am here.

Keith and I taking some relax time on the ferry.

Well, we picked up an SUV, manual, for this leg of the trip. So happy to because this was one big, not a "one way" in road that we ended up on. Had to cross a few streams. Yikes! ATVs are definitely the way to go here.

This is angel #2 Jerry or "George", we got stranded down in that river bed and thank God he came along and not only helped us thru the river, but lead us to Santa Teresa, he also happens to be a the owner of an ATV rental place. How convenient was that?

Don't you just love the way people greet you in Costa Rica? Pura Vida!

This is our new home for the week!

Our outside deck, how's that view?

We have 2 beds, so keith and I have our own place to sleep! LOL NOT calling me, not today, we just walk on the beach and check it out. But tomorrow for sure!

Dinner @ Chicken Joe's and who do we run into there? LOL Linda!, who told us to go to Chicken Joes! It was awesome. I had fish tacos and Keith and Linda had fish and chips!

the surf is calling me! oh, that big bulge in my pants, just my tank top! LOL and yes happy to see you too!

wow, how much better can this get? view from our deck.

Ha, look who we ran into over here on the beach? Jo and Matt from our workshop! They are from Oregon.

How romantic, Keith is learning to Chill!

Costarican Sunset...oh and yes, surf!

What a great way to end a perfect day! Thanks for the great pictures Keith! Good night!

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