Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Leaving Santa Teresa

Well, it has been a wonderful trip. Santa Teresa has been good to us. Now Keith is headed home, a sad parting, because I know that he would love it at Lapa Rios for sure.
The sunrises are amazing here, "spectacular" is all I can say. Nothing between me and the sun, but a stretch of the Pacific Ocean.  Though I'm up on the hill, I can see and hear the ocean against the shore, almost calling to me to come and visit. I'm coming soon my dear friend, coming soon.
Tambor Airport. LOL More like Air strip!

Checking in with our Captain, He's holding a UH Warrior shirt in his hand! We got priority boarding and seating! LOL
My first day at Lapa Rios was relaxing. I arrived at the "airport" which is located literally in the middle of the town of Puerto Jimenez, right next to the local cemetery, not very confidence building, but we had a nice landing, arriving into the crowd of the next group flying out. My Lapa Rios Toyota 4x4 waiting for us in front of their office. Which incidentally is the only place to make phone calls and use the internet. I found their WIFI when I got in, but couldn't seem to get the password out of anyone so. I just left it at that. They were extremely patient though, let us freshen up and had fresh coconut water drinks for us before taking the long, and very bumpy, 45-min drive to the compound. Wow, that coconut tasted good, not like the canned or packaged ones we drink at home. LOL

Small Plane, but not as small as the one I came back in!

Yes, it was that scary and bumpy! LOL

View of the land along the way.

View of the water along the way

Did I mention the "tight" security her in Pavas? LOL Its mean! Check it out!
Also, if you're traveling inter-Costa Rica, you gotta be mindful of the weight of your bags, all of them. because you, along with all your bags get weighed in. Don't eat before you go, or wear as much of your heavy stuff as you can, because they will charge you big bucks for over weight, unless you have a nice smile and a t-shirt with Hawaii on it, for the pilot.
15# max on suitcases...15# more, you pay extra $20 bucks.  Big smile and looking pathetic and confused goes a long way though. Thank God I have all of the above! LOL
My suitcase alone weighs 15# geeze.

And yes, we brought in our own water bottles as well.

Our driver was great, stopping along the way for us to get pictures, pointed out wildlife along the drive. We arrived at Lapa Rios to cold, moist towels and a nice guava/passion fruit cocktail as we stepped out of the car. Our GM, Marika was there waiting for our arrival. Apologizing for the lack of staff present, it turns out that Saturday, was their annual Employee Party and everyone was at the pool. LOL I don't know how it works out, but I'm always there for the party. LOL So I was invited to participate or could have lunch in the dining room. Getting to know the staff of a place like this is always helpful, so I told them I would love to join them. A pretty young staff, I think that the GM is maybe 29 or 30 Years old. All staff are from the area, Matika is the first "local" to run the compound. She is from Puerto Jimenez. Most staff have been here for a long time. Edwin, who I met right away, is the longest standing employee of the Hotel, over 17 years. He's a nature guide. Guides have to train for over 4-years and have to be licensed in this country. Wow, that's more than massage therapist. ha ha ha.
Pavas Airport, Yup thats it! That's all there is!

The planes seem to get smaller and smaller with each trip.

At least this one wasn't full

So did I mention, that the landing strip/airport is right next to the local cemetery?

Carlos and Carlos, will be the only 2 other guest at Lapa Rios for the first 2 nights. We had the whole staff to ourselves. Loved the cold coconut water when we first arrived. Doesn't get any fresher than that!
So they made me some food, I avoided getting thrown into the pool, cuz my food was hot and I wanted to eat first. LOL Turns out, there are only 3 guest here on the first night. Me and two Gay men named Carlos and Carlos who were obviously here for a romantic weekend. They are staying right next door to me. I hear the music and serenading in the evening. LOL
So all this staff, over 60 people, who are allowed to live here in the compound as much as they want, are here to service us, and the service is excellent. I talk to all of them and have been getting to know them slowly. Most already know me from the party.

45-Min drive on a very bumpy road to the rainforest

Crossing rivers and streams

My first wild Toucan upon arrival on the grounds, beautiful!

My first monkey sighting too.

Bugalow #3, love this place!

The walk was a fit challenge everyday, those stairs and many and very steep! Man, I'm outta shape!

Check out this bungalow!

Notice there are no windows, only screens, all teak wood and everything is recycled if possible

So after lunch and 1 cervessa at the pool, I was getting a little tired, so I went back to my bungalow to shower and take a nap. Man, I zonked out. Woke up just in time to watch the sunset and have dinner. My room is amazing, I sleep in Mosquito nets, awake to beautiful sounds of birds, howler monkeys and sunrise over the water. I can check the waves from here. I have 3 showers, one outside, which feels like raindrops, a raindrop shower inside, both of which are just cold water. and then my regular shower. I have no glass windows, everything here is just screens, but I do have doors, which keep most of the critters out. Yesterday, I found a grasshopper on my floor, I picked him up and moved him to a leaf outside.

I woke up yesterday morning a bit confused, and wasn't sure where I was? LOL The last time I was in mosquito nets was in Thailand, the conditions, however, were not quite so luxurious.

There is potential out there, I know it!

Yesterday was a busy day for me, no surf though. Had a great breakfast, with Whole wheat french toast with the most incredible coconut/orange syrup. OMG that was phenomenal. learned how to make that too. Then I went on a walking tour "waterfall" through the Rainforest through streams and up and down gulches through the lower primary and secondary rainforest got to swim in a very refreshing water fall, wait to you see what I had to wear on this hike. 

I have coffee brought to my bungalow every morning. I have a place to hang my clothes. They have a donation deal going on with the schools. They recycle as much as they can, all the plastic bags the collect and wrappers are sent to a women's group that makes water bottle holders and hang bags out of the recycled products. They have local artisans who come out and sell and display their crafts and goods, Most have to take a bus for about 1-2 hours to get here. Kinda makes you feel like you should buy something for their troubles. LOL, so we'll see what I come home with. "sucker" yeah I know, but it supports the local economy. I think I will buy and plant a tree before I leave, they have this program where you can contribute the the reforesting the rain forest. The food here is made by cooks from this area, there is no local chef, they were all taught to make food here and dispose of waste products in an earth friendly manor. I had a tour of the kitchen facilities too and how they separate things and process everything here. Wait to you see the pigs and how they make gas for fuel. LOL facinating.

Spider Monkey

Staff Cook, ck out that rice maker and this cool kitchen.

Came back had lunch, then went on the "twigs, pigs and garbage" tour, its a sustainable tour to show people how they manage their waste products here and recycle and limit the amount of actual waste that they make. Its was the most interesting tour. I highly recommend it. Got to see where the staff live, they have their own cooks and their own facilities and can stay here as much as they want. Since Puerto Jimenez is about 1-hour away, if they have shifts the next day, most stay here, and go home if they have a full day that they can be away. All their needs are taken care of though food, housing and transport, but most have their own motorcycles and that's how they get around.
I'm not sure if this is the squire monkeys or spider monkeys

Learning about sustainable energy and recycling CR style

check out this beautiful rain forest!

Growing wild cilantro, skinny leaves, wanted to bring back some seeds!

All refridges are labels and shelves organized so as not to waste energy searching for food's locations

Best and only A/C in the entire complex! Lucky dude!

Using pig waste to create methane energy source, so simple, why doesn't everyone do this?

Cat tracks!

How this works, pay attention now, its simple!

this is where they collect the gas that's piped to the gas stoves. LOL Yummy!
 Then after an evening swim in the pool, I jumped on the NIght hike, where we were so luck to see 3 different species of snakes, 4 different species of frogs. the Red Eye Frogs are my favorite, flat like a pancake like someone ran over them, big red eyes and they have sticky suction cup feet that allow them to climb trees. Their bodies are sticky too, kinda trippy. I saw a green one and a brown one, they are so cute. Lots of insects, monkeys, but no sloth last night. We did see some cool birds and the toucans during the day are everywhere. I keep looking for fruit loops! LOL  I've seen 3 or 4 different species of monkeys here so far. Keith would completely love this place, I'll have to bring him back here sometime.  The staff here is awesome too.

I love this Red Eyed frog the best, sticky little thing lives up in the trees and its so flat! Got Vibram feet!

Ready for our Night Hunting session! I look just like the Frog

Okay, that's better, its me and Edwin, my guide

The fer-de-lance is one of the world's most venomous snakes.

Another sticky type of pond/leafy frog, they are so cool.

Lots of snakes here!

Today, I go rapelling down 5 water falls, then I'll be back to surf all afternoon. Tomorrow I go with one of the staff to surf, waves here are great, I can hear them, I'm coming soon..! I will rent a board for the next 2 days, gotta get back into shape. Friday at home, its back in the water for me.

Hope you're all doing well.

Lots of love,

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