Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lessons Learned in Lapa Rios

So here are some valuable lessons learned in Costa Rica.
Love those sunrises!

Remember to shake out your laundry, don't wanna wear critters!

Check your coffee for swimmers!

Lesson #1: In the morning when you get up, be always mindful that critters and creatures might have joined you sometime during the darkness. Always look on the floor when you are walking in your bungalow, each morning I find dead things scattered around my wood floors. Nothing worse than squishing one of those between your toes right after you get out of bed. NOT a good way to start your day.

Lesson #2: When eating or drinking in CR, make sure you ALWAYS look at what you eat before you put it into your mouth, those little fly like type of buzzy things long to make their way into your food, and if you're not careful, they will end up being the staple protein in your diet here.

Lesson #3:  If you washing your clothes and have them out to dry, make sure you always put them under cover, because rain comes fast here and when it rains, it pours. Your clothes might end up more wet than when you first put them out.

Lesson #4:  When chartering a fishing boat, its nice to give your crew/capt. a offering of your catch. If you catch a lot, you can't eat it all anyway, so you may as well share the wealth, help feed his family and good fortune will always come back to you.

Lesson #5: CR as in everywhere else in the world, a SMILE goes a long way, share what you have and they will be more than generous to share what they have. Knowledge, time and good energy creates long lasting friendships. Nurture them and value them because nothing can separate spirits that feed each other.

Lesson #6: Always make your intention known, believe that you will achieve them and let the good Lord figure out how it will happen. The benefit of "Let God and Let Live" is immeasurable. With God, all things are possible and I have found in my life extremely probably.

I'm sure their are many more lessons I could share with you, but the simple ones go a long way.

I'm off to surf Mata Paolo now, so wish me luck on my last day here at Lapa Rios!

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