Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Waterfall Rappelling

Today started out as another beautiful day here in Lapa Rios. Sun warming my room, I could see it slowly coming up. Hot Coffee at my door just waiting for me to dive into that.
I was so excited to head out this morning, because today was Waterfall Rappelling Day. I had dreamed about this for months and it was a beautiful day to head out to the waterfalls. Waves looked a little promising this morning, but they would have to wait for me. I still think that mornings are always better for activity even in Hawaii, than any other time of the day.
We had two guides, Rico and Geraldo. Geraldo could speak English very well.

Great morning sunrise, man, its already cooking out here!

This is what I see every morning when I wake up!

The Rappelling team, Austin, Vanessa, Teresa and Me

Getting our harnesses on and safety talk.

The Repelling Girls!

Vanessa striking her in waterfall pose.

The Gang at the bottom of the big waterfall! Great time.

Austin taking his long run down.

A surprising this happened yesterday in the afternoon, I ran into a young couple here from CA, had great conversations, filled them in on things to do around here and not to miss things. Told them I was going rappelling tomorrow and if they wanted they could join me. Come to find out today, from Theresa, who is a graduate of Cornell doing a live here post internship here in exchange for room and board, that its Vanessa from High School Musical. I had no idea, though I figured she was young and rich and at least somebodies daughter since this place is pretty expensive and she arrived looking like she had some money. Very nice, YOUNG couple and very fun to be with. So they joined us today, Theresa came along so she could write about it in her blog, it was fun to have the four of us. I got some great pictures of everyone else. But me of course. but they were stoked and all got copies of them.
Our guides, Geraldo and Chico

We enjoyed a nice lunch together and I came back to work on the computer copies for everyone before heading to the beach. At the end of our rappelling excursion, we ended at the beach and it was breath-taking, all of us wanted to hit the water, but they were nudging us back up the hill to their base camp for our ride back to Lapa Rios.

The finish at the ocean was priceless too. Great day!
We want more water...the beach is calling us!

OMG Vanessa, Austin and Teresa were in Heaven

Vanessa almost stepped on another Fer-de-lance venomous snake

So happy our guides carried all the gear back up the hill!

I later went down to the beach without my camera, which was charging, only to see, from my deck. 3 spider monkey's making their way from tree to tree in front of my very eyes, not more than 15 yards away from me. One by one, they leaped from tree to tree. It was amazing and i knew it was just for my eyes. I was outside, washing clothes and keeping my eyes on the surf, which so happens to be breaking right now, after I spent 2 hours down there waiting for it, of course. LOL Oh well, tomorrow is a super surf day for me. My last day here. no excursions, no commitments and no worries, most of my clothes are washed and I'll donate most before I leave as well as my bug keep away machines and some muhi for those who are bitten up.

I've completely enjoyed my time here, very nice and relaxing before heading back to a busy schedule at work. The massage didn't work out for tonight but no worries, would rather work with someone who is not so greedy than be desperate for someone who's intentions are not sincere to the profession. I'm a little sad that Keith is not here though, because I'm sure this is one of the reasons he came to Costa Rica, we'll have to bring his back to the rain forest someday. Hey Lapa Rios is for Sale if anyone is interested. 1000 Acres of 80% Primary Forest and 20% secondary forest. Any takers?

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